External users (non-Argonne employees/consultants) will use their collaborator accounts to login to the CELS/JLSE accounts website. A collaborator account is an Argonne account starting with “ac.” prefix for eg: [email protected].

If you don’t already have an Argonne Collaborator account or need to reactivate an expired collaborator account, complete the following steps:

  1. Visit https://apps.anl.gov/registration/collaborators
  2. Read and ensure you accept the terms and conditions of the Argonne Collaborator account.
  3. Enter your sponsor’s email address and justification for the account.
    Note: ECP project members should list Susan Coghlan ([email protected]); ESP project members should list Tim Williams ([email protected]), and Intel staff should list Kumar ([email protected]) as the account sponsor. The sponsor’s Argonne e-mail address has to be their primary email address and not an alias.  If you don’t know your sponsor’s email, please contact your collaborator/sponsor directly, or email [email protected]
  4. Fill out all the required information in the registration form and click the “Create Collaborator” button to submit your collaborator account request. Foreign nationals will have to fill out the “Non-Us Citizens Demographic Data” section even if they have a current, valid 593.
  5. After submitting the form, you will be asked to select a username from a list of options.
  6. Choose a name and click “Set User ID”. A message will confirm that the collaborator was submitted, and a temporary password will be displayed. Save the password someplace safe. If you forget the temporary password, call Argonne Service Desk at 630-252-9999, option 2 to reset your Collaborator account password.
  7. Once the sponsor approves the account request (and after the 593 is approved, if applicable), the account is created. This could take a few days to a few weeks.
  8. For new collaborators, once the account is created, you will receive an email from [email protected] with the subject line “Your new Argonne National Laboratory collaborator account”. Follow the steps outlined in the email to change your temporary password and to setup a password profile. Note: You must change your password before you can use the account anywhere. In some cases, you may not receive the “password change successful” email. As long as you see the confirmation message in the browser after completing step 8 above, you can consider your password changed. For issues with your password, call Argonne Service Desk at 630-252-9999, option 2.
  9. Proceed to Step 1 in Accessing JLSE Resources.

© 2020 Joint Laboratory for System Evaluation